Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Happy April Fool's!
this post will disappear tomorrow. haha

Here's my likely blog schedule for the next quarter: (to preempt your tags)

School: Exam's coming in TWO WEEKS, so probably going to disappear for another 1 mth. Just pray my tagboard doesn't disappear by then. (pls keep tagging.) Thankfully most of my youtube shows have ended. Left with the Rainie show now, which I admit is quite lousy. Can't stand the long periods of silence and background music.

Internship: at Toyota, no details yet, but starting on 11th May. Hope I am kept busy enough, I hate feeling sleepy at work! SY! Hope you get in too.

Next sem of school: HK HK here I come! BUY, eat and STAR SPOTTING (lin feng!) muhahaha. Oh, let me know if you're coming HK in Dec. Need people to spread my luggage load around lol. Dear readers, you can start preparing shopping lists! I will do my best to buy. (at most, mail back lo. you can pay.)

Craving for that cup of java chip from Starbucks ever since I bought a book by Starbucks CEO. And I haven't even started reading. Somehow the idea that I should read the book at Starbucks is very appealing. Anyone interested?