Thursday, July 13, 2006

caught pirate of the caribbean 2's sneaks yesterday

IT'S HILARIOUS, though a tad tragic at some parts. (like the father-son relationship)

pity the ending.
i guess the guys over at hollywood just wanted to get people hyped up about pirates 3.
i.e. more money!!

his acting is damn convincing. (and he's hot! haha)
and i love his look in the show!! super cool.
new idol! :))

i don't understand how some people can survive 2 years in school and not feel anything for it. criticising the school and stuff. not bothering about school events like sports day and house sessions, etc. some don't even turn up. school life is not just about yourself. i guess it's sort of a give-and-take thing; only when you give will you be able to truly experience a fulfilling jc life.
yes, you guys might have your reasons but i dunno, it just seems wrong somehow...

if my circumstances were different, would i be doing the same thing?

Saturday, July 08, 2006

following the use of my graphing cal to plot my dear physics results, i have something to announce:


it has been mercilessly dropped on the floor while i was doing some damn tutorial.

now i need a new one!



it really seemed dead just this afternoon
but when i came home and gave it a FRIENDLY pat on the back
it's back alive!


Thursday, July 06, 2006

now, in case you're not informed, "mathematics" is a new topic in the GP paper set by those britons over in cambridge. in fact, if you refer to paper 1 of the gp paper in 2005, you'd see something like "the study of mathematics is of little practical use"!

ah HA!

being a double maths student in nj, i felt that there is a need to defend my cause.
you see, maths is definitely of SOME practical use, as demonstrated below in the analysis of trends in my exam results.

this is assumed by many to be a given A. but NO! i had to be so special and be stuck in a vicious cycle of 65s, 66s, and 67s.

this is my year one CT marks.


year 2 CT1

AHA! do you see a pattern forming? it goes 65-66-67. now lets assume the cycle repeats. and the next result would be a 65.


of course, if indeed my results follow this trend, then i'd get a 66 for prelims and peak at the right time- the a levels!

isn't this amazing?

i'd show you what's TRULY amazing!

this is my physics year 1 CT MCQ marks.

this is my year 2 CT1 marks!

isn't the mark, coincidentally, the same (24)?
notice how the denominator changes!
isn't it truly AMAZING how i can be so lousy?

now i shall show you what's incredible!

my year 2 CT2 physics MCQ marks!

it is indeed incredible!
i have gotten EVEN LOUSIER!

and my physics grades follow a pattern too!

using my trusty graphing cal and plotting a graph of y= -x, we get:

starting with D in CT1, E in promos, O7/O8 (after/before moderation) for year 2 CT1, F9 (34.3! talk about errors in rounding off!) for year 2 CT2!

UNBELIEVABLE i tell you!
(p.s: i have run out of synonyms.)

the good news is, there is no grade worse than F9. so unless i happen to get lower marks with the same F9 grade the next time round, it can only mean one thing:


let me show you another interesting thing:

my FM grade. (doesnt it look like 52 not equals to 1, which is like, duh?)

but that's not the point.
my point is the comment. hahaha

oh man. but i don't want to talk to him!
we all know it takes 2 hands to clap, 2 people to converse and 1 person to scold/nag/carry out what-are-you-doing-why-so-lousy talks. or console you.
it probably means the first 3.
(haha no offense to mr neo!! sorry if you ever see this.)

fm, by the way, has been a B-A-O-D. which is essentially some positive cubic curve.
which also means i'm going to keep improving!

chem, on the other hand, is a negative cubic curve, which can only bring bad news.
NEGATIVE. the word says it all.

naturally, maths is not all about variables.
there are constants too.

thankfully, GP has been rather constant.
i hope i don't jinx my latest gp marks by saying this!!

so you see. maths IS of practical use!
i'd have aced that essay!