Saturday, November 24, 2007

sem 1's over! :D
open book exams are cool. no need for memorizing stuffs anymore.
18 AUs down! i'm probably gonna take a black and white photography elective next sem. improve my photo-taking skills (can take more fake artistic photos next time. hor SK?)
6 week break, should make good use of it to do useful things.. HMM. baking class?
need to be more active in losing weight too LOL

OCS peeps commissioning soon! and km's already in taiwan for one month. so many people passing their driving tests!!
time flies~

my dad's cute. i told him my student obtained 226 for PSLE.
him: 226 not bad already what.. my student got 206!
me: YAH, but you're a SWIMMING TEACHER. i'm a tuition teacher!

randomness. but I hate it when people whisper to others in front of me. insecure/over suspicious?

Saturday, November 10, 2007


you probably know it's time to update your blog when :

1. you repeatedly receive warning messages about how your tagboard is going to expire. REPEATEDLY. LIKE 3-4 TIMES.

2. people can recite the contents and DATE of your last post.

3. you can't think of anything else to do (??? okay i added this in 'cos 3's a nicer number than 2. hahaha)

now let's see how long people take to realise I'm blogging again.

on a side note, I feel like such a techno dino with all the friendster/facebook hype going on now