Monday, June 05, 2006

photos! as promised.

beauties! LOL ehh what don't laugh.

ermm.. haojun wanted us to pretend to scream?

wenyun getting caught in the girls' room!

photo whore. haha you can really tell how enthusiastic he is

wenyun claiming ownership of the beds.

wenyun giving haojun weird looks! on the bed!

mahjong kakis

erm. pointing at cars?

haojun's idea taking photo in the middle of the road in the middle of the night



rongyao and wenyun.. ai mei guan xi

chem s- haojun and rongyao. ai mei guan xi again!


wenyun's sensual shot

my sensual shot!! lol

introducing... rongyao 66!! water boy!! haha

the people crazy enough to still be awake.. haha


rainbow!! on the ground lehhh.


still eating...

the big drumstick looking prawn!!

haojun being a photo whore again

the chicken man who closes his shop at 10pm to watch lost. lol