Saturday, February 18, 2006

why is it so difficult?

vday in nj, was, as usual, vday-ish. haha
damn got mood la! pardon my bad english
received quite a number of gifts and stuff
i'm sorry i could only come up with a few pathetic cards
but i'll make it up, i promise. haha

road run on friday
haha i slacked off
aqua was 3rd for house challenge cup.

kbox for 5+ hours! the longest in history. haha
wenhao say i sing not bad!!
he's too nice to say the truth lar lol!
not my top form lehh!! =P (thanks to cheering in the morning + flu)
eeyerh my jia ying still sucks. haha

common tests coming.


i like talking to you even though we don't have much to say.
you're a great friend la