Friday, January 06, 2006


5 weird/random facts about me:

1) I get really affected by the moods of ppl around me. like if they are tired/sleepy/bored/high, i'll get tired/sleepy/bored/high too.
2) I am sitting on a water cushion as i am typing this cos my butt will ache if otherwise. LOL
3) my hair is falling out faster than i'd like it to. =(
4) I have a super bad memory. like i'll ask about something, forget the person's answer, and ask the person like another 3-4 times later. hahaha
5) I LIKE TO READ IN THE TOILET. this is also the reason why i take so long to shit. sometimes. HAHAHA

ok that was completely random and reputation-damaging. ARGHHH

orientation is ok, getting better now I guess.
hmm. I am at least 10 chapters behind in schoolwork. UGHHHH

but for now, all I need is